An exceptional diassarion of Divus Julius Marinus
Los 1510
ARABIA. Philippopolis. Divus Julius Marinus, died before 244. Diassarion (Bronze, 22 mm, 7.09 g, 12 h), circa 247-249. ΘЄΩ MAPINΩ Bare head of Divus Julius Marinus, with slight drapery on his left shoulder, set to right on eagle standing right with spread wings. Rev. ΦIΛIΠΠOΠOΛIT-ΩN KOΛΩNIAC / S - C Roma (or Allat?) standing front, head to left, holding patera in her right hand and spear in her left; at feet to right, shield. SNG ANS 140. Spijkerman 2. Sofaer 2. Rare. An exceptional example with a splendid portrait. Slightly smoothed, otherwise, good very fine.

Upon succeeding to the throne, Philip I deified his deceased father Julius Marinus and raised their Arabian native village, whose ancient name is unknown, to the rank of a colonia. The new colony was renamed Philippopolis in honor of the emperor and large building projects were initiated, including a forum, a stadium, a theatre, a city wall and a temple called Philippeion, which was dedicated to the god Marinus. As a matter of fact, even the road from Bostra to Damascus was redirected to pass through the city to boost its prosperity. However, when Philip I was killed in 249, all construction works came to an abrupt halt as the settlement vanished from imperial attention, leaving many of its monumental buildings unfinished
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